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7. Flows Page (Admin) (ENG) (WEB)

Product: Perculus (Web)
Training: Perculus - Administrator User Manual (ENG) (WEB)
Author: Kampüs365 | Education Technologist – Yunus YALIN
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One of the new great features developed for Perculus is the 'Flows' feature. With the 'Flows' feature, you can plan the course flow in advance, either during your preparation time or for a future lesson, using appropriate activities.
  1. Click on the third button from the top on the left side of the window, which is labeled 'Flows'.

Creating a New Flow

You can create lesson plans that you can add to all your virtual classroom sessions as you wish. With the lesson plans you create, you can quickly start the activities you planned in advance within the flow without affecting your virtual classroom sessions.
  1. Click on the 'New Flow' button located to the right of the 'Flow List' text at the top of the page.
  2. Enter the flow name in the text box at the top of the opened window.
  3. Click on the 'Save' button located at the bottom right of the window.
  4. A new flow has been created. You can edit and plan your flow.

Editing Existing Flows (Planning)

Within the created flows, you can always manage your virtual classroom sessions in an up-to-date and ready manner by planning or editing the activities you will use.
  1. At the top of the page, below the 'Flow List' text, flows are listed row by row.
  2. In the flow rows, you can see the flow name, creation date, editing, and options columns.
  3. Click on the 'Edit' button in the third column of the flow row.
  4. The flow planning page is opened. You can add your activities.
(To get detailed information about flows and activities, click here.) (To be added)

Renaming an Existing Flow Name

You can change the names of the virtual classroom flows you have created at any time to make them more understandable for instructors or yourself.
  1. Flow List is displayed in rows under the Flow List heading.
  2. In Flow rows; Flow name, creation date, editing, and options columns are available.
  3. In the fourth column of the Flow row, click the 'Options (three dots)'
  4. Click the 'Edit' button in the opened window.
  5. Edit the Flow name in the Flow name text box at the top of the opened window.
  6. Click the 'Save' button at the bottom right of the window.

Deleting Existing Flows

You can delete virtual classroom session flows that you think have reached the end of their useful life, consisting of activities you no longer need.
  1. At the top of the page, under the heading 'Flow List,' flows are listed in rows.
  2. In the Flow rows, you can see columns for the flow name, creation date, editing, and options.
  3. In the fourth column of the flow row, click the 'Options (three dots)' button.
  4. In the opened window, click the 'Delete' button.
  5. Your flow has been deleted.

Searching Between Flows

If you're having trouble finding virtual classroom session flows, you can search among the flows.
  1. Click on the 'Search' button located at the rightmost of the 'Flow List' at the top of the page.
  2. While searching for flows, you can add a filter, and you can also add multiple filters.
  3. In the search section that opens at the bottom of the flow list, type the flow name.
  4. For 'Creation Date - Start,' click on the text box.
  5. Choose a date from the calendar.
  6. For 'Creation Date - End,' click on the text box.
  7. Choose a date from the calendar.
  8. Click the 'Search' button.
  9. Flows will be listed based on the values you entered.

Sorting Flows

You can sort virtual classroom session flows based on flow name and session date information according to your needs.
  1. At the top of the page, under the 'Flow List' heading, flows are listed in rows.
  2. In the flow rows; flow name, creation date, editing, and options columns are available.
  3. Click on the 'flow' name text or the sorting icon.
  4. Flows are sorted from A to Z or from Z to A.
  5. Click on the 'creation' date text or the sorting icon.
  6. Flows are sorted from old to new or from new to old.

Switching Between Flow Lists

To prevent complexity, flows are displayed in lists with 20 records in each.
  1. The flows are listed in rows below the "Flow List" at the top of the page.
  2. At the bottom of the flow list, there are page navigation buttons and the numbers of flows displayed on the page.
  3. On the flow page, click the first page (<<) button, which is the first in the page navigation buttons.
  4. You have navigated to the first page of the flow list.
  5. On the flow page, click the previous page (<) button, which is the second in the page navigation buttons.
  6. You have navigated to the previous page from your current page in the flow list.
  7. On the flow page, you can see the numbers displayed, such as (1-10/X) and the total flows (X-X/145) on the page navigation buttons.
  8. Center bottom of the flow page, (1-10/X) represents the flows currently visible in the list, and (X-X/145) represents the total number of flows available.
  9. On the flow page, click the next page (>) button, which is the fourth in the page navigation buttons.
  10. You have navigated to the next page from your current page in the flow list.
  11. On the flow page, click the last page (>>) button, which is the fifth in the page navigation buttons.
  12. You have navigated to the last page of the flow list.
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