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15. Sessions Page (Admin) (ENG) (WEB)

Product: Perculus (Web)
Training: Perculus - Administrator User Manual (ENG) (WEB)
Author: Kampüs365 | Education Technologist – Yunus YALIN
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Administrator Session ManualWill be added.
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On the session page, you can create new sessions, delete sessions, join sessions, and watch recorded sessions. You only see sessions for which you are authorized or a participant.
  1. Click on the sessions button, which is the second one from the top on the left side of the window.

Quick Start To The Virtual Classroom Session

  1. Log in to your organization's Perculus panel.
  2. Click on the "Start Session" button located at the upper right corner of any page.
  3. A session is quickly created and you enter the virtual classroom session.
  4. When you enter the session, the session invitation link will appear in the center of the page.
  5. Click on the invitation link (link - URL) or the copy button.
  6. Send the invitation link to the individuals you want to join the session.
  7. People who want to join the session can register with their name and last name and send a participation request.

Adding New Sessions (Planning)

  1. Click on the sessions button, which is the second one from the top on the left side of the window.
  2. Click on the new session button, located to the right of the "Session List" text at the top of the page.
  3. Enter the session name in the text box located in the first row at the top of the pop-up window.
  4. Click on the session start date and time text box located in the first position in the third row at the top of the window.
  5. Select the desired date and time for the session from the pop-up calendar.
  6. Write the total duration of the session in minutes in the text box located in the second position in the third row at the top of the window.
  7. Click on the save button located at the lower right of the window.
  8. A new session (planned) has been created, and you can join it when it starts.
(For detailed information about the virtual classroom session screen, click here.) (will be added)
(For detailed information about adding new sessions (planning) on the Sessions page, click here.) (will be added)

Bulk Adding New Sessions (Planning)

  1. Click on the sessions button, which is the second one from the top on the left side of the window.
  2. Click on the excel operations button, located to the right of the "Session List" text at the top of the page.
  3. Click on the link "here (in xlsx format - MS Excel 2003 and later)" at the top of the pop-up window.
  4. Click on the file in your browser's downloads section or on the file's name in your computer's downloads folder.
  5. In the Excel file, enter the session names in the rows of the "name" column.
  6. Enter the session descriptions in the rows of the "description" column in the Excel file.
  7. Enter session tags in the rows of the "tags" column in the Excel file. (Press "Alt+Enter" within a cell to add multiple tags.)
  8. Enter instructor usernames in the rows of the "instructors" column in the Excel file. (To add an instructor to the session, you should enter the instructor's username. Regardless of whether the user you entered in the instructor field is a student, they will be assigned as an instructor. Press "Alt+Enter" within a cell to add multiple instructors.)
  9. Enter the start date and time of the session in the rows of the "startdate" column in the Excel file. (The session start date should be written in the format dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm, e.g., 01.02.2021 09:00, 2021-02-01 09:00.)
  10. Enter the session duration (in minutes) in the rows of the "duration" column in the Excel file.
  11. Enter the session preparation time (in minutes) in the rows of the "preparationtime" column in the Excel file.
  12. Enter the session language in the rows of the "lang" column in the Excel file. (You can use language codes for the session language. Writing 'tr-TR' for Turkish or 'en-US' for English is sufficient.)
  13. Enter group names in the rows of the "groups" column in the Excel file. (Press "Alt+Enter" within a cell to add multiple groups.)
  14. After entering the details of all sessions you want to schedule, save the Excel file.
  15. Click on the "Upload Excel" button at the bottom right of the perculus excel operations window in your browser.
  16. In the file picker window that opens, navigate to the location of your file on your computer.
  17. Select the file you want to upload.
  18. Click on the open button at the bottom right of the window.
  19. Click on the "Download Result as Excel" button at the bottom right of the window to download the report of the bulk session creation results.
  20. Click on the file in your browser's downloads section or on the file's name in your computer's downloads folder.
  21. In the Result Excel, you can view session information and the results of adding sessions in bulk.
  22. Multiple sessions have been created in bulk. You can join them when they start.

Filtering Sessions Based on Their Status

  1. Click on the sessions button, which is the second one from the top on the left side of the window.
  2. Click on the filter button, which is the third one from the top on the right side of the page.
  3. Click all to view all sessions.
  4. Click ongoing sessions to filter sessions that are currently in progress.
  5. Click future sessions to filter upcoming sessions.
  6. Click packed sessions to filter sessions that you can watch.
  7. Click past sessions to filter past sessions.
  8. Click converted to video to filter sessions that have been converted to video.
  9. Based on your status filter, you will see the lists of all, ongoing, upcoming, watchable, past, or converted to video sessions.

Sorting Sessions By Different Information

  1. Click on the sessions button, which is the second one from the top on the left side of the window.
  2. Sessions are listed row by row below the "Session List" text at the top of the page.
  3. The session rows include; the session name (join or watch buttons), start date, duration, number of participants, status, and options (three dots) columns.
  4. Click on the session name text or the sorting arrow.
  5. Sessions are sorted from A to Z or from Z to A.
  6. Click on the start date text or the sorting arrow.
  7. Sessions are sorted from older to newer or from newer to older start dates.
  8. Click on the duration text or the sorting arrow.
  9. Sessions are sorted from the longest to the shortest or from the shortest to the longest duration.

Searching Among Sessions

  1. Click on the sessions button, which is the second one from the top on the left side of the window.
  2. Click on the search button, which is the fourth one from the top on the right side of the page.
  3. While performing a session search in the session list, you can add a filter and you can add multiple filters.
  4. In the search section that opens below the session list, enter the session name in the text box located in the first row and the first position.
  5. Enter the external participant name or email address in the text box located in the first row and the second position in the search section that opens below the session list.
  6. Click on the start date text box located in the first row and the third position in the search section.
  7. Select a date from the calendar.
  8. Click on the finish date text box located in the first row and the fourth position in the search section.
  9. Select a date from the
  10. Click on the user selection drop-down list located in the second row, first position in the search section.
  11. Automatic search will occur with each letter you type.
  12. Make a selection from the listed people.
  13. Click on the related groups selection drop-down list located in the second row and the second position in the search section.
  14. Automatic search will occur with each letter you type.
  15. Make a selection from the listed groups.
  16. Click on the status selection drop-down list located in the second row and the third position in the search section.
  17. Click one of the selections, including all, future sessions, ongoing sessions, packed sessions, or past sessions, in the status selection list.
  18. In the third row of the search section, enter tags or add tags by pressing enter after each tag in the text box located in the first position.
  19. Click the search button.
  20. Based on the values you have entered, sessions will be listed in the session list.

Switching Between Session Lists

  1. Click on the sessions button, which is the second one from the top on the left side of the window.
  2. Sessions are listed row by row below the "Session List" text at the top of the page.
  3. At the bottom of the session list, there are page navigation buttons and the numbers of displayed sessions.
  4. Click the first page (<<) button in the page navigation buttons.
  5. You have switched to the first page of the session list.
  6. Click the previous page (<) button in the page navigation buttons.
  7. You have switched to the page before the one you were on in the session list.
  8. Center bottom of the sessions page, (1-10/X) represents the sessions currently visible in the list, and (X-X/145) represents the total number of sessions available.
  9. Click the next page (>) button in the page navigation buttons.
  10. You have switched to the page after the one you were on in the session list.
  11. Click the last page (>>) button in the page navigation buttons.
  12. You have switched to the last page of the session list.

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