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14.5. Branding (ENG) (Admin) (WEB)

Product: Perculus (Web)
Training: Perculus - Administrator User Manual (ENG) (WEB)
Author: Kampüs365 | Education Technologist – Yunus YALIN
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In the settings page's Branding tab, you can customize your institution's branding by replacing the default Perculus logos with your institution's logos.
  1. Click on the settings button at the bottom left of the window.
  2. Click on the branding tab at the top left of the opened page.

  1. Click on the settings button at the bottom left of the window.
  2. Click on the branding tab at the top left of the opened page.
  3. In the box under the panel header logo at the top of the tab, click the upload button.
  4. Locate your institution's logo on your computer that you've resized to 200x50px dimensions in the file picker that opens.
  5. Select the logo file by clicking on it.
  6. Click the open button in the bottom right of the file picker.
  7. Click the save button at the bottom right of the page.
  8. Your institution's default panel header logo has been changed.
  9. To delete, click the remove button below the panel header logo.

Changing the Company Logo (Login & Enroll)

  1. Click on the settings button at the bottom left of the window.
  2. Click on the branding tab at the top left of the opened page.
  3. Under the company logo (login & enroll) at the top of the tab, click the upload button.
  4. Locate your institution's logo on your computer that you've resized to 400x100px dimensions in the file picker that opens.
  5. Select the logo file by clicking on it.
  6. Click the open button in the bottom right of the file picker.
  7. Click the save button at the bottom right of the page.
  8. Your institution's default company logo (login & enroll) has been changed.
  9. To delete, click the remove button below the company logo (login & enroll).

  1. Click on the settings button at the bottom left of the window.
  2. Click on the branding tab at the top left of the opened page.
  3. Under the default session details logo at the top of the tab, click the upload button.
  4. Locate your institution's logo on your computer that you've resized to 150x150px dimensions in the file picker that opens.
  5. Select the logo file by clicking on it.
  6. Click the open button in the bottom right of the file picker.
  7. Click the save button at the bottom right of the page.
  8. Your institution's default session details logo has been changed.
  9. To delete, click the remove button below the session details logo.
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