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9. Changing Term or Adding New Term

Product - Training - Author - PDF Manual - Feedback

Product: Plan365
Training: Plan365 - Administrator User Manual
Author: Advancity | Education Technologist – Yunus YALIN
Administrator Manual: To be added.
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After logging into the Plan365 system, you are required to select a term to perform operations on. However, if you want to change the selected term or add a new term, click on the current term information at the top right of the page. In the opened window, you can select a term, add a new course term, add a new exam term or continue using the system without making any term changes.

Changing Term

  1. Click on the current term information at the top right of the page on all pages.

  2. Click on the select term dropdown list in the opened window.

  3. Select the term from the dropdown list.

  4. Click the select button.

  5. You can start performing operations related to the selected term.

Adding a New Course Term

  1. Click on the current term information at the top right of the page on all pages.

  2. Click the add course term button in the opened window.

  3. The add course term window opens.

  4. Click the select year dropdown list in the opened window.

  5. Select the year from the dropdown list.

  6. Click the select term dropdown list.

  7. Select the term from the dropdown list.

  8. Enter the name of the term in the name text box.

  9. Enter the description of the term in the description text box.

  10. Select active in the status selection. (If you do not make a selection, your term will be saved as passive. It can be edited later.)

  11. Click the save button at the bottom right of the window.

  12. You have created a new course term.

Adding a New Exam Term

  1. Click on the current term information at the top right of the page on all pages.

  2. Click the add exam term button in the opened window.

  3. The add exam term window opens.

  4. Click the select year dropdown list in the opened window.

  5. Select the year from the dropdown list.

  6. Click the select term dropdown list.

  7. Select the term from the dropdown list.

  8. Click the select exam type dropdown list.

  9. Select the exam type from the dropdown list.

  10. Enter the name of the term in the name text box.

  11. Enter the description of the term in the description text box.

  12. Select active in the status selection. (If you do not make a selection, your term will be saved as passive. It can be edited later.)

  13. Click the save button at the bottom right of the window.

  14. You have created a new exam term.

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