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5. Profile Button

Product - Training - Author - PDF Manual - Feedback

Product: Plan365
Training: Plan365 - Administrator User Manual
Author: Advancity | Education Technologist – Yunus YALIN
Administrator Manual: To be added.
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Under the profile, you can access the user settings page and the log out button.

Secure Logout by Logging Out

  1. Click the profile button at the top right of the window.

  2. Click the log out button.

  3. You have securely logged out of your user session.

Viewing the User Settings Page

  1. Click the profile button at the top right of the window.

  2. Click the settings button in the dropdown list.

  3. You are viewing your personal information.

Editing Personal Information

  1. Click the profile button at the top right of the window.

  2. Click the user settings button in the dropdown list.

  3. Enter your first name in the name text box on the opened page.

  4. Enter your last name in the last name text box.

  5. Enter your username in the username text box.

  6. Enter your email address in the email text box.

  7. Click the save button.

  8. Your personal information has been edited. (Authorized personal information cannot be edited.)

Changing User Password

  1. Click the profile button at the top right of the window.

  2. Click the user settings button in the dropdown list.

  3. Click the change password button on the opened page.

  4. Enter your old password in the first password text box in the opened window.

  5. Enter your new password in the second password text box.

  6. Enter your new password again in the third password (repeat) text box.

  7. Click the save button at the bottom right of the window.

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