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2.7. Courses

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Product: Plan365
Training: Plan365 - Administrator User Manual
Author: Advancity | Education Technologist – Yunus YALIN
Manual: Plan365 - Student Affairs System Web Service Integration.pdf
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Term and year parameters are required when listing courses. With these parameters, you will be able to use the plan application for the year and period you want.

Some of the requested data is requested for the Plan365 Exam module and some for the Plan365 Course module. You can find which module is requested for in the table containing the return values.

Table 17. Courses Url Structure





Table 18. Courses Data Type Fields

Parameter name

Parameter Type



string array

A series containing the codes of the departments whose courses we want to take. If blank is given, all data must be received.



Year parameter



Period parameter

Fall: 1

Spring: 2

Write: 3

The required fields according to the relevant period, year and department dollar given in response are explained below.

Table 19. Courses Data Type Fields

Data Label



CourseCode *

Course code

Student Information System must be a unique value.

ActiveStatus *


“True” or “False”.

CourseName *

Course name

Course Name in Your Student Information System.

ActivityType *

Activity type (for Plan365 course)

Type the Activity type you want. (Theoretical, Practical, Laboratory, Problem Solving, Internship, etc.)


Lesson Type

The course to which the activity belongs is a Compulsory or Elective Course in the Curriculum. "Z" value should be sent for Compulsory Courses and "S" value should be sent for Elective Courses.


Activity Duration (for Plan365 course)

How many slots are required for the activity should be specified. For example, if the activity duration is 2 hours and 1 activity slot is 1 hour, 2 should be written here.

CourseLocation *

Location of the course (for Plan365 course)

Campus Code / External-Responsible / External-Active / Distance Education

EducationType *

Education (for Plan365 course)

Education Type Must Be Written.

NO *(Normal Education) / IO *(Evening Education) Distance Education

CampusCode *

Campus code (for Plan 365 exam)

Campus Code

Uzaktan Sınav * (Online Exam)

FacultyCode *

Faculty code (for Plan365 exam)


DepartmentCodes *

Department code

The code of the programs to which the course is connected is written here. If more than one program is affiliated with the same course, ";" is added between the Department codes of the programs. can be written by putting.

CourseGradeLevel *


The class information to which the course is affiliated (for example, 4) is written here. If more than one class is connected to the same course, ";" is placed between the classes. It is written by adding (for example. 1;2;3;4). If more than one program is linked to the same course, class information is written respectively corresponding to these programs. (for example, DepartmentCodes: “ABC1; CBA2” CourseGradeLevel: “1;2”)

CourseGroup *

Course Group-Branch

Group, Branch and Branch information (for example: 4) to which the course is affiliated is written here. If more than one branch information is linked to the same course, ";" is placed between the branch information. (for example. 1;2;3;4 or A;B;C;). If more than one program is connected to the same course, branch information is written respectively corresponding to these programs. (for example. DepartmentCodes: “ABC1;CBA2” CourseGroup: “A;B”)

Instructor *


The Code of the Instructor assigned the Course is Written. If more than one instructor assigned the same course, codes ";" It can be separated by.


Assistants (for Plan365 exam)

The code for the course assistant is written here. If more than one assistant is assigned the same course, the faculty member code of the assistants is filled with ";" can be written by putting. The assistants defined here are also primarily appointed as invigilators for the course exam. If there is no assistant for the course or it is not clear, it can be left blank.

StudentCount *

Number of Students (for Plan365 course)

Number of Students Taking the Course Must be a numerical value

StudentCounts *

Number of Students to Take the Exam (for Plan365 exam)

The number of students who will take the exam is written here. If there are more than one program- based number of students taking the exam, the student numbers can be separated with the ";" character. In this case, the number of faculties, programs, faculty members, classes and branches should be added in equal numbers and in the correct order. The same number of students can be added more than once.


Conjugate Course (for Plan365 exam)

If available, the course codes that are equivalent to the relevant course are written. If there is more than one course ";" Conjugate course codes can be separated. These equivalent courses are combined when taking the exam. If there is no equivalent course, it should be left blank.

ExamDuration *

Exam Duration (for Plan365 exam)

Slots are required for the course exam should be specified. For example, if the exam duration is 2 hours and 1 exam slot is 1 hour, 2 should be written here.

ExamSession *

Number of Sessions (for Plan365 exam)

It is used to increase Capacity in the same Exam Slot. For example, let the Exam Slot duration be 2 hours. When you type 2 here, the existing capacity is used for 2 sessions of 1 hour in the same time period. If this is not the case, "1" should be written. It is a mandatory field and cannot be left blank.


Vacancy Period Before Proctoring (Number of Slots) (for Plan365 exam)

For invigilators assigned to Exam Invigilators, it indicates how much space will be given before the exam. If 1 is entered here in an exam with an exam slot duration of 2 hours, the invigilator assigned to the exam leaves the 1 slot before the exam blank. If there is no such application, you can write "0". It is a mandatory field and cannot be left blank.


Vacancy Period After Proctoring (Number of Slots) (for Plan365 exam)

It specifies how much space will be given to Exam Invigilators after the exam for the invigilators they are assigned to. If 1 is entered here in an exam with an exam slot duration of 2 hours, the invigilator assigned to the exam leaves the 1 slot time slot empty until the next task after the exam. If there is no such application, you can write "0". It is a mandatory field and cannot be left blank.


Classroom Combine Status (for Plan365 exam)

This column, one of the following is given regarding how to proceed when combining branches in the exam program in courses that have more than one branch or group (section). Regardless of the faculty member or program, all students are mixed to be placed in the exam proctorships, according to the faculty member to place students taking courses from the same faculty member in a mixed way, according to the program to place students taking this course in the same program and department in a mixed way. should be selected. 0, 1 or 2

(0: Combined, 1: By Faculty Member, 2: By Program) If unknown, write "1" as the value.


Exam Type (for Plan365 exam)

Exam Type can only be one of the following.

1, 2, 3 or 4

(1: Multiple Choice / Classic Open-Ended / Written, 2: Application, 3: Assignment / Project / Report Submission, 4: Jury / Defense) If unknown, write "0" as the value.


Exam Environment (for Plan365 exam)

Exam Environment can only be one of the following.

1 or 2

(1: Face to Face, 2: Online Exam)

If unknown, write "0" as the value.


Course Environment (for Plan365 course)

Course Environment can only be one of the following. 1, 2 or 3

(1: Face to Face, 2: Distance Education,

3: Hybrid) If unknown, write "0" as the value.


Course Language

The language of the recorded course is written in the settings.

For example; Turkish English


Classroom Type

The registered classroom type is written in the settings. For example; Lab, Classroom



Description of the course or exam

CourseOpenedId *

Course Offered ID

Course ID in the Student Information System is written.

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