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2.6. Faculty Members

Product - Training - Author - PDF Manual - Feedback

Product: Plan365
Training: Plan365 - Administrator User Manual
Author: Advancity | Education Technologist – Yunus YALIN
Manual: Plan365 - Student Affairs System Web Service Integration.pdf
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Note: If you cannot see some modules; you do not have access or your school has not acquired this module.

Instructors may differ between Aplan lessons and Aplan exams. Information for which module the fields are requested is given in the table.

Table 14. Instructors Url Structure





Table 15. Instructors Parameters

Parameter name

Parameter Type




Instructor information for the given year must be sent.



Instructor information for the given semester must be sent.
Fall is 1
Spring is 2
Summer is 3

In response, data from more than one instructor may be received for each course (more than one instructor may be teaching a course).

Table 16. Instructors Data Type Fields

Data Label



InstructorCode *

Instructor code

The instructor code in your Student Information System must be a unique value.

ActiveStatus *


“True” or “False”.

UserName *

User name

The instructor may receive a unique instructor code or e-mail information.

Email *


Email information



Phone number information for example: 5554443322

Title *


This Column Goes One of the Following

Prof. Dr. / Prof. Assoc. Dr. Assoc. / Dr. Lecturer Member of / Lecturer See. Dr. / Lecturer See. / Research. See. Dr. / Research. See. / Lecturer / Thesis / advisor / Project consultant / Employee

FullName *

Name surname


WorkType *

How it works

This Column Goes One of the Following

TZ: Full Time / YZ: Part Time

TaskFacultyCode *

Place of duty Faculty code (for Plan365 exam)

Faculty, College or Institute codes appear in this column. More than one code can be written using (;).

TaskDepartmentCode *

Place of duty Program / Department Name

The name of the department or program in which he/she works is written in this column.


Supervisor degree (for Plan365 exam)

This column comes with one of the following.

Do not do / Very Little / Little / Medium / Much / Too Much


Oversight Campus (for Plan365 exam)

The campus code that the student will supervise should be written in this column. It is a mandatory field and cannot be left blank.


Faculty of Observation (for Plan365 exam)

Faculty, College, or Institute codes appear in this column. More than one code can be written using (;). It is a mandatory field and cannot be left blank.


Proctoring Program (for Plan365 exam)

More than one code can be written using the relevant Program or Section Codes (;) in this column. It is a mandatory field and cannot be left blank. If it is not known, you can write the Duty Station Program Code.


Maximum Courses per a Day

Faculty member wants to give in Regular Education and Evening Education in a day are written in this column. It cannot be left blank. By default, you can type "8".

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