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10.2.1. Settings for the Selected Course Term

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Product: Plan365
Training: Plan365 - Administrator User Manual
Author: Advancity | Education Technologist – Yunus YALIN
Administrator Manual: To be added.
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To access the settings page for course terms, you must first select a course term.

When a course term is selected, on the term settings page, you can edit the date range within which department heads and insructors can log in, system access permissions for full-time and part-time lecturers, the start time for secondary education, course duration, proximity of courses, the gap between online and face-to-face classes, the maximum number of solutions, solution update and elective course overlap settings.

Editing the Date Range for Department Heads to Plan

  1. If you have not selected a term, click on the “no term selected” text at the top right of the window.

  2. In the opened window, click on the “select term” dropdown list.

  3. Select the course term for which you want to make settings from the opened list.

  4. Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.

  5. Click the term button located at the top left of the settings page.

  6. On the opened page, in the “date range for department heads to plan” section, click on the "select dates" text.

  7. In the opened calendar window, click the left arrow button at the top to select the previous month, the right arrow button to select the next month, the month dropdown list to select a month and the year dropdown list to select a year. After clicking on the start day in the calendar, click on the end day.

  8. You have selected the date range within which department heads can log in to the system in the calendar.

  9. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  10. Now department heads can log in to the system within the specified date range.

Editing the Date Range for Instructors to Plan

  1. If you have not selected a term, click on the "no term selected" text at the top right of the window.

  2. In the opened window, click on the “select term” dropdown list.

  3. Select the course term for which you want to make settings from the opened list.

  4. Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.

  5. Click the term button located at the top left of the settings page.

  6. On the opened page, in the “Date Range for Instructors to Plan” section, click on the "select dates" text.

  7. In the opened calendar window, click the left arrow button at the top to select the previous month, the right arrow button to select the next month, the month dropdown list to select a month and the year dropdown list to select a year. After clicking on the start day in the calendar, click on the end day.

  8. You have selected the date range within which instructors can log in to the system in the calendar.

  9. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  10. Now faculty can log in to the system within the specified date range.

Should Full-Time Lecturers Be Able to Access the System?

  1. If you have not selected a term, click on the "no term selected" text at the top right of the window.

  2. In the opened window, click on the “select term” dropdown list.

  3. Select the course term for which you want to make settings from the opened list.

  4. Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.

  5. Click the term button located at the top left of the settings page.

  6. On the opened page, in the who can access the system section, select the “full-time lecturers” feature.

  7. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  8. Now full-time lecturers can access the Plan365 system.

  9. Deselect the full-time lecturers feature.

  10. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  11. Now you have prevented full-time lecturers from accessing the Plan365 system.

Should Part-Time Lecturers Be Able to Access the System?

  1. If you have not selected a term, click on the "no term selected" text at the top right of the window.

  2. In the opened window, click on the “select term” dropdown list.

  3. Select the course term for which you want to make settings from the opened list.

  4. Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.

  5. Click the term button located at the top left of the settings page.

  6. On the opened page, in the who can access the system section, select the part-time lecturers feature.

  7. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  8. Now part-time lecturers can access the Plan365 system.

  9. Deselect the part-time lecturers feature.

  10. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  11. Now you have prevented part-time lecturers from accessing the Plan365 system.

Setting the Secondary Education Start Time

  1. If you have not selected a term, click on the "no term selected" text at the top right of the window.

  2. In the opened window, click on the “select term” dropdown list.

  3. Select the course term for which you want to make settings from the opened list.

  4. Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.

  5. Click the term button located at the top left of the settings page.

  6. On the opened page, in the “secondary education start time” section, click on the hour text.

  7. In the opened time window, enter the start time for evening education using your keyboard or by clicking the increase and decrease buttons.

  8. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  9. Now you have set the start time for evening education.

Setting the Course Duration (Excluding Break)

  1. If you have not selected a term, click on the "no term selected" text at the top right of the window.

  2. In the opened window, click on the “select term” dropdown list.

  3. Select the course term for which you want to make settings from the opened list.

  4. Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.

  5. Click the term button located at the top left of the settings page.

  6. On the opened page, in the course duration excluding breaks section, click on the hour text.

  7. In the opened time window, enter the course duration (excluding breaks) using your keyboard or by clicking the increase and decrease buttons.

  8. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  9. Now you have set the course duration excluding breaks.

Changing the Proximity to the Course

  1. If you have not selected a term, click on the "no term selected" text at the top right of the window.

  2. In the opened window, click on the “select term” dropdown list.

  3. Select the course term for which you want to make settings from the opened list.

  4. Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.

  5. Click the term button located at the top left of the settings page.

  6. On the opened page, in the proximity to the course section, select the “assign courses close to each other” feature.

  7. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  8. Now during the solution process, courses will be assigned close to each other.

  9. On the opened page, in the proximity to the course section, select the “assign courses away from each other” feature.

  10. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  11. Now during the solution process, courses will be assigned far from each other.

Setting the Distance Education Face to Face Courses Gap Duration

  1. If you have not selected a term, click on the "no term selected" text at the top right of the window.

  2. In the opened window, click on the “select term” dropdown list.

  3. Select the course term for which you want to make settings from the opened list.

  4. Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.

  5. Click the term button located at the top left of the settings page.

  6. On the opened page, in the “setting the distance education face to face courses gap duration” section, click on the hour text.

  7. Enter the gap duration between online and face-to-face classes using your keyboard or by clicking the increase and decrease buttons.

  8. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  9. Now you have set the gap duration between online and face-to-face classes.

Setting the Maximum Solution Count

  1. If you have not selected a term, click on the "no term selected" text at the top right of the window.

  2. In the opened window, click on the “select term” dropdown list.

  3. Select the course term for which you want to make settings from the opened list.

  4. Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.

  5. Click the term button located at the top left of the settings page.

  6. On the opened page, in the maximum solution count section, click on the number of solutions text.

  7. Enter the maximum number of solutions using your keyboard or by clicking the increase and decrease buttons.

  8. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  9. Now you have set the maximum number of solutions.

Editing the Feature to List Only Available Classrooms in Solution Update

  1. If you have not selected a term, click on the "no term selected" text at the top right of the window.

  2. In the opened window, click on the “select term” dropdown list.

  3. Select the course term for which you want to make settings from the opened list.

  4. Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.

  5. Click the term button located at the top left of the settings page.

  6. On the opened page, in the solution page and calendar settings section, activate the feature to “list only available classrooms in solution update”. (Active; a green check mark within indicates the active selection)

  7. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  8. Only classrooms that are available for editing will now appear on the solution editing screen.

  9. On the opened page, in the solution page and calendar settings section, deactivate the feature to “list only available classrooms in solution update”. (Inactive; a gray cross mark within indicates the inactive selection)

  10. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  11. Now all classrooms will be editable on the solution editing screen.

Editing Whether Elective Courses May Overlap Or Not

  1. If you have not selected a term, click on the "no term selected" text at the top right of the window.

  2. In the opened window, click on the “select term” dropdown list.

  3. Select the course term for which you want to make settings from the opened list.

  4. Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.

  5. Click the term button located at the top left of the settings page.

  6. On the opened page, in the solution page and calendar settings section, activate the feature that elective courses may overlap. (Active; a green check mark within indicates the active selection)

  7. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  8. Now elective courses at the same class and section level within a program may overlap with other elective courses.

  9. On the opened page, in the solution page and calendar settings section, deactivate the feature that elective courses may overlap. (Inactive; a gray cross mark within indicates the inactive selection)

  10. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

  11. Now elective courses at the same class and section level within a program may not overlap with other elective courses.

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