10.1.8. Solution Page and Calendar Settings
You can edit the course solution, exam solution, instructors program, classroom display type and instructor minimum availability settings in the solution page and calendar settings section.
Editing Course Solution Visibility Settings
Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.
Click the institution button located at the top left of the settings page.
On the opened page, in the solution page and calendar settings section, select the feature to “show the course solution publicly on the login page” as active. (Active; a green check mark within indicates the active selection)
Click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now the course solution is shown publicly on the login page.
Select the feature to “show the course solution publicly on the login page” as inactive. (Inactive; a gray cross mark within indicates the inactive selection)
Click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now the course solution is not shown publicly on the login page.
Editing Exam Solution Visibility Settings
Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.
Click the institution button located at the top left of the settings page.
On the opened page, in the solution page and calendar settings section, select the feature to “show the exam solution publicly on the login page” as active. (Active; a green check mark within indicates the active selection)
Click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now the exam solution is shown publicly on the login page.
Select the feature to “show the exam solution publicly on the login page” as inactive. (Inactive; a gray cross mark within indicates the inactive selection)
Click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now the exam solution is not shown publicly on the login page.
Editing Instructors' Viewing Other Solutions Settings
Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.
Click the institution button located at the top left of the settings page.
On the opened page, in the solution page and calendar settings section, select the the feature to “instructors can only see their own program” as active. (Active; a green check mark within indicates the active selection)
Click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now the instructors can only view their own schedule.
Select the the feature to “instructors can only see their own program” as inactive. (Inactive; a gray cross mark within indicates the inactive selection)
Click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now the instructors can view other schedules as well.
Editing the Visibility Settings of the Sections Opened for Classes in the Calendar and Reports
Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.
Click the institution button located at the top left of the settings page.
On the opened page, in the solution page and calendar settings section, select the the feature to “show course opened sections in calendar and reports” as active. (Active; a green check mark within indicates the active selection)
Click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now the sections opened for classes are visible in the calendar and reports.
Select the the feature to “show course opened sections in calendar and reports” as inactive. (Inactive; a gray cross mark within indicates the inactive selection)
Click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now the sections opened for classes are not visible in the calendar and reports.
Editing Classroom Display Type
Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.
Click the institution button located at the top left of the settings page.
On the opened page, in the solution page and calendar settings section, you can select the classroom display type.
Select the classroom display type as code and name.
Click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now the classroom definition display shows both code and course name.
Select the classroom display type as code.
Click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now the classroom definition display shows only the code.
Select the classroom display type as name.
Click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now the classroom definition display shows only the course name.
Editing Instructor Minimum Availability Constraints
Click the settings button, which is second from the right in the top middle of the window.
Click the institution button located at the top left of the settings page.
On the opened page, in the solution page and calendar settings section, under instructor minimum availability settings, select the the feature to “only for full-time instructors, the following conditions can be assigned” as active. (Active; a green check mark within indicates the active selection)
Enter the minimum days restrictions count in the text box, a number between 0 and 8.
Enter the minimum consecutive slots in a day count in the text box, a number between 0 and 9.
Click the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now, when the instructor enters their constraints, they cannot enter a constraint less than the specified minimum number of days and minimum consecutive slots per day.