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Product - Training - Author - PDF Manual - Feedback

Product: Plan365
Training: Plan365 - Administrator User Manual
Author: Advancity | Education Technologist – Yunus YALIN
Administrator Manual: To be added.
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Plan365 plans the distribution of courses and classrooms at the beginning of the semester and during exam periods in universities, preventing conflicts between students, instructors and classrooms.

With the smart algorithms of Plan365, you can easily carry out the planning process that takes days. You can easily transfer information from your automation system to Plan365, then define your constraints and choose the most suitable solution provided by the smart algorithms. You can make adjustments to the selected solution in accordance with the constraints you have entered. At every stage of the process, Plan365 warns you against mistakes made.

  • Plan365 is your best friend for all scheduling needs in course distribution and exam planning.

  • Course distribution at the beginning of the semester is now very easy. Don't bother with Excel files, let Plan365's smart algorithms handle it.

  • Go beyond the 1-3, 2-4 rule. Help students take the least number of exams each day during exam periods. Comply with instructor and classroom constraints.

  • Plan not only your own faculty but the entire university with university-based planning, ending exam conflicts for guest students.

  • Transfer from the automation system, plan and transfer the results back to your automation system. Transfer from the student automation to Plan365 and transfer the planning results back to your automation system.

  • Plan according to instructors' daily constraints. Take into account instructors' hour and day constraints in all planning to prevent chaos.

  • Transfer distribution information to Exam365 and plan the exam booklets. Integrate the exam schedule prepared with Plan365 with Exam365 to plan the physical and logistical part of the exam.

  • Ensure fair distribution of invigilators. Plan the invigilator needs of exams fairly to make their lives easier.

  • Conduct the exams of the same course in adjacent classrooms. Plan the classrooms of different sections of the same course side by side so that instructors can easily attend to all classes without wasting time.


How to Use Plan365?

Step 1: Transfer Information.

  • Transfer instructors.

  • Transfer courses.

  • Transfer students and invigilators for exams.

  • Transfer classrooms.

Step 2: Enter Constraints.

  • Course A requires a 100-person laboratory.

  • Course A can only be held in specific classrooms.

  • Classroom B requires 2 invigilators.

  • Instructor C only comes on Tuesdays.

  • Instructor A wants an invigilator with them.

  • The theoretical part of Course B requires a 30-person classroom, while the practical part requires a 30-person laboratory.

Step 3: Customize Solutions.

  • You can view alternative distributions and manually intervene to make changes after the solution is generated.

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